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The 3 Most Common Chiropractic Questions Answered

The 3 Most Frequently Asked Chiropractic Care Questions and The Answers to Them Most people have a few questions when considering chiropractic care to naturally treat pain and injuries. If you've been wondering if chiropractic is a good option for you, you'll want to take a look at these commonly asked questions. Read More

How Can I get My Adjustments to Last Longer

How Can I get My Adjustments to Last Longer? i get asked this question quite regularly. Depending on the things you do after your visit to the chiropractor, the effects of your treatment can last weeks, days or just a few hours. Fortunately, you can extend the positive effects of your adjustments by following a few simple guidelines. Read More

I have a Vitamin D Deficiency

Last year I had a blood test thru Athlete Blood Test (ABT) company that showed that I was deficient in Vitamin D. While I was not surprised to some degree, as it was during the winter and that my German/Italian blonde hair and blue eyes, never liked to be in the sun because I always got burned so easily with this type of genetics. With this Blood test, I was able to truly understand the implications of having low or deficient levels of Vitamin D in the body. Some symptoms low levels of Vitamin D include fatigue/tiredness, back pain, depression, bone/hair loss, muscle pain and weak immunity and frequent sickness. Read More

How Often Should I Replace My Shoes?

I see it all the time that well-worn comfy pair of shoes that many of the patients come in with on a regular basis. I ask the patients how old are these shoes? They say years… but as I go into my explanation about comfort vs proper function and it doesn’t matter if you are talking about a running, dress or a casual everyday shoe. The research shows that about every 300 to 400 miles the shoes should be replaced, even though they may not seem to be worn out. Shoes will show small wear patterns in the heel and mid/outsoles that can cause pain, dysfunction and stress on your lower joints (Ankle, Knees and Hips) and spine. Read More

What Type of Mattress Should I Buy?

On a regular basis, patients want my opinion as to what kind of mattress they should buy. Well a lot of this can be individual, cost and general preferences. Here's my thoughts on which mattress you should choose. I am a pretty simple and basic person with just quality products that last. Read More

A Chiropractor with Back pain?

When I was 19 years old, my biggest goal was to break a world record in powerlifting (Squat). I was working out every day and getting closer and closer to breaking the current record in my best event. With the way things were going during my training, I was nearly ready to attempt to achieve my goal and squat 600 plus lbs. Read More

Expect Miracles

One day as I was walking in the front door of my office, I noticed a small, hand painted stone near the edge of the sidewalk. On the stone was a yellow sun surrounded by a bright blue sky. I looked down at the stone and smiled. Intrigued by this random act of Beauty, I decided to create a stone of my own. Right then I started brainstorming about what image or message I would leave. I decided to leave a stone with one of my favorite chiropractic slogans, “expect miracles,” and here’s why. Read More

The Most Important Organ in the Human Body

Let’s begin with a question for everyone reading this; what do you think is the most important organ in the human body? Many people would probably think it’s the heart, however, it’s the brain! While your heart is a vital organ, the brain (and the nervous system that attaches to the brain) make up the most critical organ system in the human body. Read More

Preventing Injuries in Your Young Athlete

Young athletes long to be just like their favorite sports stars just as we all did when we were there age. What child doesn’t dream to hit like Bryce Harper, dunk like Lebron or drill the ball into the back of the goal like Christine Sinclair? It wasn’t until recently though that children and adolescents have begun to train like their heroes. This poses a problem as children involved with sports are developing injuries at a much higher rate than in the past. Read More

Why is One Leg Shorter Than Another?

Have you ever tried on a pair of pants, only to see that one pant leg is longer than the other? Or noticed that you’re able to touch one foot on the ground from a high seat but not the other? Ever wondered if one of your legs could actually be shorter than the other? Read More

5 Benefits to Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Not sure if you should see a chiropractor when you are pregnant? The truth is, chiropractic care during pregnancy has been shown to be extremely beneficial to both mom and baby. Here are some of the benefits that you stand to gain: Read More

Should You Get Adjusted Even After the Pain is Gone?

Should I be seeing a chiropractor for frequent adjustments even if I’m no longer in pain? This is a question I am often asked by people who have started chiropractic care and are now feeling better or are asymptomatic (pain free). Several recent studies assessed the differences between regular maintenance chiropractic care patients and those who only seek care during times when symptoms or pain arises. Read More

What is Sciatica?

"The pain may hit suddenly like a lightning bolt or it may cause a constant nagging ache, deep within your hip and buttock area." This common condition affects more than 3 million people each year in the United States. Chances are, you may never experience anything quite as painful in your entire life. Sciatica sufferers say it's like having an excruciating toothache in the leg. You don't have to suffer needlessly from sciatic pain and you shouldn't depend on medication to get the relief you're looking for. Medication only masks or covers up the symptoms; they can't correct your structural problem. Read More

Cincinnati Sinuses

For all of my life I have lived in the Midwest. Mold, Pollen and Ragweed are abundant everywhere. I have found that Cincinnati is the greatest place that you can live if you want sinusitis and allergies. In the Cincinnati region, one out of every two people has sinus problems on a regular basis. Read More

Adding Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years

I have always said that you should begin regular chiropractic adjustments at birth and continue throughout your entire life. My Grandma Hais received Chiropractic adjustments until she was eighty-two years old. Just as everyone in your family should receive adjustments, you should also bring in your grandparents. With medication use on the rise with the elderly, it is especially important that these people receive adjustments. According to Medscape 2015, the average grandma and grandpa fills an average of 14 medication prescriptions a year. Read More

10 Benefits of a Chiropractic Adjustment

Are you experiencing frequent negative health symptoms like back pain, headaches, or stress? Pain medications can only do so much, and they won’t fix your problem. Visiting a chiropractor may be able to help you overcome some or all of your symptoms. A chiropractic adjustment refers to a chiropractor physically adjusting the vertebrae in your back. This type of procedure can have a myriad of positive benefits without the stress or invasiveness of surgery or other more intense techniques. Is a chiropractic adjustment right for you? To help you answer that, we are going to take you through some of the top benefits of getting a chiropractic adjustment. Read More

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