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  • Which is worse a thick wallet in your back pocket or high heels for causing pain in your back?
    Well, both of them can be instrumental in causing compensation and imbalances in your pelvis and in your lower back. But let's start with the wallets first. When I grew up as a kid, gentleman placed the wallet in his back pocket. As we aged the wallet became a little bit thicker as we added a little bit more plastic and of course some cash. Placing the wallet in our back pocket, the pelvis, or buttock region becomes elevated on that side. What this does is cause a tilting from one side to the left, producing a imbalance in the lower lumbar and sacral region of the spine. What initially seems as something simple, leads to compensation effects that will eventually cause irritation and pain on the lower spine and lumbar nerve regions. What it also does is cause a pinching of the lumbar and sacral nerves giving you lower back pain, shooting down into your legs and numbness in the toes. Read more
  • What does the Curves in this picture have to do with your Spine?
    Well, the curves in this fence are symbolic as to the proper cervical thoracic and lumbar curves, that your spine needs to be stronger, stable, and flexible. Why are you may think that if your spine was straight, it would be stronger that is not necessarily the case. A straight spine will weaken the overall biomechanics of the spinal region, causing injury, tension reduced range of motion and pain. Read more
  • Mattress Matters and Pillow Talk
    Getting a proper nights sleep is one of the most important things you can do to maintain proper health. Two huge factors that play a large part in this is your mattress and pillow. They not only allow you the ability to sleep well but aid in recovery from work, activity and daily stressors and many people overlook the importance of these two. Many pillows and mattresses offer proper support for the body and give the comfort at the same time. I put together a guide when choosing some of the best mattresses and pillows for you to unlock your ability to achieve ideal sleep, aid in recovery and improved health. These will help you by choosing the best mattress and pillow that suit the proper way that you should be sleeping. Read more
  • How did my Back go out just from picking up a Paperclip?
    I get asked all the time how my back just went out when I tried to pick up a paper clip or just getting the laundry out of the dryer. Well, the answer is very simple and also very complicated as well as to how your body let this happen. So here is the long and short answer. You should be able to do all these activities with ease, without difficulty and no possibility of flareups. What has occurred is that you have allowed your body to improperly adapt and compensate by doing the same thing over and over again without ever changing certain mechanics causing poor body dynamics which developed spinal dysfunction. What you've also done is allow muscular weaknesses and compensations to occur in your back muscles. This is caused by not actively stretching, exercising, changing and adapting you're normal sitting and standing postures that you have to do a continual daily basis at home and work. This weakness occurs when your body is not forced to either change, adapt or progressively improve through either an active flexibility, range of motion or resistance exercise program. Read more
  • Is it Normal to Feel Worse After Seeing a Chiropractor?
    Many people seeking help from a chiropractor are suffering from back pain or discomfort; in essence, they’re looking for that much-needed pain relief from a medical professional. But what happens when your back pain is worse after a chiropractor visit? Does that mean that the treatment didn’t work? The short answer is no. In order to understand why this happens, we need to understand what the treatment consists of when you start chiropractic care Read more
  • Pregnancy & Chiropractic Care
    For many pregnant women, aches and pains in the lower back and hips are very common. In fact, approximately 50 percent of pregnant women will experience back pain before they deliver. Luckily, relief may be just a chiropractic adjustment away. Here are some things you should know about the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy. Read more
  • The Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care for Preventing Injuries
    Every activity or sport comes with a potential for injuring yourself. If your body is not properly aligned and balanced to remove lockups and tension, a simple fall or misstep could result in serious injury and pain. When you keep up with regular chiropractic adjustments your body can move in a way like a well-oiled machine, this helps absorb impact and protect your joints and tendons. Read more
  • Adjustment vs Manipulation: What is the difference?
    One question I have been asked before is “What is the difference between an adjustment and manipulation of the spine?”. In this article we will discuss the many factors that set an adjustment aside from a manipulation. There is a myth that “Chiropractic is manipulation, and manipulation is chiropractic”, but that is not true. Read more
  • Top 5 Reason Seniors See A Chiropractor
    Over the last 29 years in chiropractic practice, I have been not only humbled but honored to take care of many seniors who took care of me, feed me, taught and looked out for me over all these years. Here are Top five reasons that seniors seek chiropractic care. While many of the seniors are unaware of the benefits of regular chiropractic care, here is the top reasons in no particular order; pain relief, increase range of motion in the spine/extremities, improve balance and coordination, decrease joint degeneration and lastly improved overall health and well-being. We will go over one at a time, explain some of the details and benefits through chiropractic care. Read more
  • 3 Most Common Complaints for Teenagers
    We are all going through one of the most stressful times in our world today. Our teenagers have as much or more of that stress not only with the lack of socialization that they are not being a part of, but also extended periods of sitting in front of a computer and the continuous hours of texting that they are such a part of their daily lives. As a Chiropractor, seeing many early to late teens, they are experiencing several complaints that I am seeing on a consistent basis. These are in no specific order, starting with headaches, neck pain and upper to mid back pain. We will talk about each separately and explain some of the reasoning, the causes and my recommendations to help these young adults improve their overall health while reducing their pain and a few preventative tips for decreasing future spinal problems. Read more
  • Health Tips for Children and Teens: 8 Things NOT to Do
    A lot of my patients ask me about their children and about what they should (and should not) be doing to maintain proper spinal health. Since the habits formed early in a child’s life will often carry over into adulthood, it is important to ask these questions and to know what bad habits to look for and intervene on. Here I will discuss 8 different things that your child or teen should NOT be doing, and briefly explain why these things can be harmful to their health. Some of these are not extremely detailed, so feel free to ask me if you have any questions. Read more
  • The 7 Common Myths and Truths about Chiropractic.
    These are the 7 common myths and truths about chiropractic. Myth #1 Chiropractic isn't safe. Chiropractic is one of the most widely recognized and safest drug free treatments available for not only neuromuscular (neck, mid and low back pain) conditions and many other health issues. Compared to chiropractic, research shows that many other common treatments like surgery and medications pose a higher potential risk. There is certainly a time and place for all of these and I'm not advocating anything against them, however, with chiropractic treatment have a better chance of alleviating your condition without drugs, surgeries or invasive therapies. Read more
  • What is Oscillating Kinetic Energy (OKE) Training?
    I’ve had ongoing elbow, shoulder, hip and back issues over the last several years that have flared up multiple times as a result of old injuries, yardwork and repetitive job duties. After extensive reading and taking the Conjugate Westside Barbell certification course, I was able to understand the impact and importance of using Oscillating Kinetic Energy (OKE) in my workout routines once-a-week to rehab the major joints of my upper/lower regions. Read more
  • Row Row Row Yourself for Better Posture
    It's hard to believe that I began my rowing experience over 30 years ago, with an old 2 hydraulic shock type trainer. With that old-school low tech in mind, rowing has come a long way to some of the chain driven flywheels or to the water rower experience with on screen computer metrics. Rowing is the most efficient exercise on land or water that uses every part of the upper and lower body especially the CORE region with every stroke. While majority of my cardiovascular work is done by cycling, CrossFit training and rowing that is 1 to 2 times a week. Rowing incorporates different muscle groups in a balanced controlled movement that is 60% legs and 40% upper body as cycling on a trainer is 95 plus percent legs. Rowing is a full body exercise and burns approximately 2 to 3 times more calories than spinning, running and of course walking. There are few exercises that engage all muscle groups and especially the CORE muscles which are required and fully engaged during the entire movement. This engagement allows for more of a complete upper, middle and lower body exercise which therefore increases metabolic calorie burning abilities, muscle stimulation and muscular balance. Read more
  • Introducing...The Sit-Stand Desk
    In one of my previous articles, I was saying stating that sitting is now the new smoking. I wanted to add a little bit to what I had said earlier and express a few of my thoughts and recommendations. We know that sitting at your desk all day is not good for your back and can put a toll on your hips and back. Over the last year, I have suggested to many of my patients that they either purchase and or ask for a standing desk to aid in their reduction of back pain, computer slouching and neck/upper back bad posture issues. Sitting all day can cause back pain, neck stiffness, headaches and several other things. I have been recommending to my patients that they start using a standing desk. Average prices are between $125 to $250 and according to a 2019 survey for Human Resources, standing desk are the fastest growing benefits trend and approximately 60% of employers provide or subsidize standing desks for their employees. Read more
  • Chiropractic Care for All Ages
    Chiropractic care focuses on restoring and maintaining the health of the body's nervous system. When your nervous system is optimized and functioning properly, it enables the body's powerful healing and restorative systems to thrive. Interference in your nervous system causes pain and dysfunction in the way your body works. This interference is known as subluxation or misalignment. Muscles, bones and joints may become injured and misaligned resulting in nerves being irritated, pinched, or compressed, causing interference in the nervous system. This can lead to a variety of symptoms including pain. Thru chiropractic adjustments, we remove spinal misalignments and restore the function of the nervous system and allow the innate or natural healing mechanisms of the human body to take over. Chiropractic care is useful and effective for people of all ages and stages of life. Read more

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