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Should I be taking a digestive Enzyme with my food?

Ever stopped to ponder if the food you're eating qualifies as "real" food, despite your body's innate ability to churn out digestive enzymes? Let's backtrack a bit and explore some foundational knowledge. Our gut's functionality relies heavily on a collaboration between bile and enzymes to efficiently dismantle food and extract its essential nutrients for absorption. When this intricate process hums along smoothly, it results in seamless bowel movements devoid of bloating or gas. Unfortunately, achieving such digestive equilibrium is a rarity in our modern world, where processed foods brimming with toxins and excess sugars reign supreme. Read More

Is Organic Produce Worth the Extra Cost?

Organic produce has gained popularity in recent years, but its higher price tag often leaves consumers wondering if it's worth the extra cost. While organic fruits and vegetables are generally more expensive than their conventionally grown counterparts, there are several factors to consider when deciding whether to make the switch. Read More

Explain the difference in Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils and what should the proper ratio be?

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential polyunsaturated fats that play crucial roles in human health, but they have distinct differences in their sources, functions, and effects on the body. Omega-3 fatty acids, primarily found in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and numerous health benefits. The three main types of omega-3s are ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These fatty acids support heart and brain health, reduce inflammation, and may help prevent chronic diseases. Read More

Why Would a Newborn Get Chiropractic Adjustments?

Chiropractic care for newborns has gained popularity in recent years as parents seek gentle, non-invasive treatments to support their baby's health and development. While the idea may seem unusual at first, there are several reasons why parents choose to have their newborns receive chiropractic adjustments. Read More

Prenatal Chiropractic Care and how it relates to improved health of the mom and baby

Prenatal Chiropractic Care: Enhancing Health for Mom and Baby Chiropractic care during pregnancy offers numerous benefits for both expectant mothers and their developing babies. As a woman's body undergoes significant changes to accommodate the growing fetus, misalignments in the spine and pelvis can occur, leading to discomfort and potential complications. Prenatal chiropractic care addresses these issues, promoting overall wellness and preparing the body for a smoother delivery. Read More

I Was Just Waiting to See If My Pain Would Go Away

When faced with pain, especially in the back or neck, it's common to adopt a "wait and see" approach. We hope that the discomfort will resolve on its own with time, rest, or over-the-counter painkillers. However, this approach can sometimes lead to more harm than good, particularly when the pain is a symptom of an underlying issue that requires professional attention. Read More

Nervous System basics

Chiropractic care focuses on optimizing nervous system function to promote overall health and wellbeing. The nervous system, consisting of the brain, spinal cord, and network of nerves throughout the body, controls and coordinates all bodily functions. Read More

What type of Supplements should I Take?

People frequently inquire about which vitamin supplements they should take, given the abundance of options available in grocery stores, pharmacies, health food shops, and even gas stations. While the adage "your food should be your vitamins" has long been touted, the reality is that modern food processing, bleaching, overcooking, and intensive farming practices have led to a depletion of essential nutrients in our food, making it challenging to attain adequate levels of vitamins and minerals from diet alone. Read More

The Crucial Cervical Curve

The cervical curve, the natural C-shaped curve in your neck, plays a vital role in your overall health and well-being. This curve is essential for proper spinal alignment, protecting your neck from damage, reducing stress on the spinal cord and nerves, and allowing nerve energy to flow freely throughout your body. Read More

Your Body's silent cry for Water

No, thank you. I'm not thirsty." But regardless, it's essential to drink water consistently, even before you feel the need. Water plays a critical role in maintaining your overall health. By staying hydrated, you can prevent dehydration, a condition that can lead to cognitive fog, mood swings, muscle cramping, dizziness, overheating, constipation, and kidney stones. Read More

Why Golfers love Chiropractic

Golf is a beloved pastime for many Americans, with nearly 25 million hitting the greens in 2020, making up about 8 percent of the U.S. population. However, like any physical activity, golf has its downsides. The repetitive motion of swinging can strain the back, leading to stiffness and discomfort. Surprisingly, 85% of reported golf-related injuries involve the spine and low back pain. Studies indicate that approximately 70% of golfers have experienced at least one injury during their playing years, with half of these injuries becoming chronic without proper treatment. Read More

Do I have a Pinched Nerve?

When nerves become pinched through an injury, muscle spasms and inflammation of the muscles may cause the nerve to become compressed or irritated, resulting in pain. The general term “pinched nerve” is somewhat of a catch all phrase. This is used many times to describe pain which is associated with many different conditions from misalignment of the spine, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica pain, and trigger point and muscle spasms. Read More

The Importance of Proper Sleeping Habits for your Health

Getting a good night's sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being, and it's especially important for maintaining optimal spinal health. Proper sleeping habits, including bedtime routines, sleeping positions, and mattress firmness, play a significant role in supporting optimal health. Read More

Why go three times a week?

Many times, patients come to the office thinking that just one crack and they'll be good, and they don't need to return. While that's an interesting thought, that is just not how the body usually works. Even if you chose to take some level of medication, the prescription usually requires you to take it every 4 to 6 hours or so until the symptoms subside. Advertising bombards us with a belief that if we take a pill that holds the answer to long-term back pain relief, when in reality, you're going to need to take it more than just one time. Read More

What if Dr. Joe was on Ritalin?

Grade school was a very difficult time for me in many ways. I struggled in math and language arts and generally had trouble with test taking, especially the big annual standardized tests that measured academic progress and overall class rank. I didn’t think I was smart. It took a lot of hard work for me to get through just grade school and high school with mostly C’s and high B’s. The only courses I was good at were art and health. Science and history weren’t too bad because I could just straight out memorize things. My teachers knew I had abilities, and they kept working with me to figure out my learning formula. Read More

Pregnancy and Chiropractic...Your best Start

Congratulations, you are going to have a baby. Sheppard Chiropractic wants you to have a healthy pregnancy for both you and your child. Our office wants to inform new mothers of ways that they can have a better pregnancy. One of the ways you can have a healthier pregnancy is to take care of your body. Women should eat a healthy diet both, before, during and after their pregnancy and get proper amounts of sleep. another way to take care of yourself during your pregnancy is to exercise regularly. A daily exercise regimen is as important during pregnancy as it is before and afterwards. Exercise helps to make you feel your best during your pregnancy. You should consult your doctor to determine what is best for you and your baby. These are a few of the known ways you can take care of your body during your pregnancy. Read More

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