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Pie of Health

Health is a lifestyle. The Health Pie has many pieces and each piece of the pie makes up the whole aspect of your Health. The pie is comprised of many small pieces and each one is Essential for you to be truly healthy. Many people often ask and say it's hard to eat healthy and work out all the time, but I tell them that you can't get healthy or out of Pain in just a few visits and restoring health will take time. Your health is a lifestyle that you have to work at every day. Eating one health meal or exercising today is the start of your Journey back to Health. Read More

I Didn't Know Chiropractic Could Help with That...

it's my fault and I take full responsibility that I don't spend a little bit more time on teaching and educating to understand the importance of the nervous system and not just the pop or crack. One of the biggest topics in conversation at the office is... I didn't know that Chiropractic could help with that. Well the body is comprised of 100 Billion Nerve cells, 900,000 miles of sensation pathways and 24 movable vertebrae. Of these nerve pathways only 10% of them control pain while 90% controls glands, organs, tissues and functions of the body. Read More

Pillow Anyone?

One of the most common questions that I am asked is what type of pillow i should use? This depend on which position that you sleep at night, back side or belly (which is not recommended). A very regular complaints is when i woke up I had a pinch/catch in my neck or I woke up with a bad headache. I do feel that this could be caused from a improper pillow, poor sleeping habits and high use of technology (computer and texting). While there are hundreds of pillow on the market the specific should be comfortable and supportive at the same time. Read More

Prevent Injuries and Pain while Raking Leaves and Shoveling Snow

As Fall has passed and winter has begun, we will start the fall cleanup of raking leaves and preparing for that dreaded shoveling of snow for those Cincinnati winters. Here are a few tips and how to prevent injuries, reduce pain and muscle soreness providing you follow a few simple tips and precautions to prevent that low back pain . Read More

Dr. Stretch Joe ArmStrong

As a high school athlete in the mid-1980s, we as a Football team at Archbishop McNicholas high school took ballet several times a week injuries (Our Instructor was Oleg Sabline from the Cincinnati Ballet Company). We had heard about big Moeller High in Cincinnati and that they took ballet in order to improve their flexibility and reduce. As we took Ohio State Runner-up in Football in 1984, I truly believe that taking ballet for two straight years improved our performance and prevented many muscular/joint injuries in myself and my teammates. Read More

All Stressed Out?

Stress is the rate of wear and tear on the body and your bodies ability to deal with it as a result of anxiety, worry or exhaustion from a difficult or challenging situation. If the source of the stress isn't found and corrected, it may irritate or damage a person's nervous system, which leads to a wide variety of health problems. How many people actually understand the origins of stress? And, how many actually understand its influence on their daily lives? Very few people actually understand the destruction that is taking place, not only in their lives, but also to their body. Read More

Benefits of Local Honey

I remember many years ago, taking the bee pollen to increase my energy. As I live in the sinus capital of the world, Cincinnati I always heard that consuming honey raw honey, would reduce the amount of allergies that you have living in this region. Raw honey has been used for thousands of years even dating back to Egypt and was used by many people and cultures in the world. Hippocrates wrote the value medically of honey. The big difference between that used today and raw honey, raw honey is unfiltered heat-treated or processed and can be used both internally and topically. Read More

Healthy Backpack Tips

As the school year has just started and we all begin that early morning lunch packing, the kids up early and carrying the backpacks. I wanted to discuss a few items about some of the biomechanics of researching regarding backpacks and young children's spunes.. The National Safety Council in 2018 states that excessive weight of a backpack will lead to headaches, shoulder, neck and back pain along with causing poor posture. Read More

It was only a Minor fender bender, how can my neck possibly hurt so bad?

According to the National Safety Council (NSA), approximately 12 million car accidents occur annually involving 20 million cars. The Mayo Clinic reported 90 percent of injuries effecting the Cervical spine. Rear end collisions cause more Cervical injury as compared to front or side collisions and Studies show that women are 5 times more likely to be injured than men. Read More

I don't need to work out, I have a physical job, work in the yard and walk every day... isn't that enough?

I hear this all the time... I don't need to work out, I have a physical job, working in the yard and walk every day isn't that enough?. Actually, it's not and being physically active outside or in your job is good but it doesn't work the necessary muscles that keep the body in proper alignment, allow for proper posture, muscular strength and general cardio health especially with long-term gravity and continued technology which is all part of the real world today. Read More

Sitting Is The New Smoking

I was reading an article several weeks ago about How sitting is the new Smoking. While I know we all have bad habits (I think that I only have one which is 2.5 cups of coffee a day and my wife says I have a lot more), this has become a very unhealthy habit and majority of our society is in such a fast-paced technology, sit all day and computer world. Read More

Mom's Headache

This picture sounds all too familiar: Mom is upstairs because she has a migraine headache. Her door is closed, the lights are off and we have to be “really quiet.” Hopefully the shot (Immetrex) worked and she’ll be “all better” in the morning. I also here people say, “I just get a couple of ‘normal’ headaches a week.” Read More

Once You Go...You Always Have To Go

Once You Go...You Always have to Go This is one of the many roadblocks and complaints that I hear when I talk to people about chiropractors. But I approach it in several different ways. I tell them that I have been going to a chiropractor for over 47 years. There has been many times that I have been injured in my life (Auto accident, slipping on ice and Sports injuries), some injuries have been worse than others, but I have always relied on my chiropractor to get me back to pre-injury status Read More

I Don't Need Dr. Joe, I Pop and Crack My Own Neck

This is what I hear all to often in my office. It has become a very popular habit that teenagers and adults do. I haven’t figured out why, it seems as though it is a “cool thing” to do or maybe “just to save money”. Lets look at the serious long-term effects of doing this on a daily basis. Read More

Ethan Montgomery Had a Great Fall

I realize every day the importance of having my child checked and adjusted after a spinal injury. This impact to Ethan’s forehead was at a full run into a wall. It split open his head and required a visit to the ER. Fortunately, nothing was broken and the Doctor glued his skin back together. That day, I checked Ethan for a subluxation. His leg length was almost 1 inch off. Read More

Ice Ice Baby

One of the biggest questions I get asked is… whether you should ice or heat when experiencing pain or stiffness. I always, use the rule that simplifies this and that is when you have pain that on a scale of 1 to 10 that is more than 3, you should ice anything less than that you can use heat. Read More

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