Pie of Health

Health is a lifestyle. The Health Pie has many pieces and each piece of the pie makes up the whole aspect of your Health. The pie is comprised of many small pieces and each one is Essential for you to be truly healthy. Many people often ask and say it's hard to eat healthy and work out all the time, but I tell them that you can't get healthy or out of Pain in just a few visits and restoring health will take time. Your health is a lifestyle that you have to work at every day. Eating one health meal or exercising today is the start of your Journey back to Health.

With the many pieces of the pie which include regular chiropractic adjustments, proper sleep, Eating Healthy Foods/supplements, drinking water, exercise and stretching, meditation/prayer. Each one is extremely important to the other and just because you have a lot of one, it will carry over to the other one. This eventually catch up with you. So, if you Work out for hours every day and don't eat healthy that decreased part of the health process will catch up with you.

Regular chiropractic adjustment (mine is every 2-3 weeks) are the key to proper nervous system function and if you don't do your stretching exercises, CORE/posture and resistance training your body will not be strong and flexible enough to hold your adjustments consistently and regularly. As your spine will go out of alignment frequently and your body will be stiff and tight all the time.

I have been a vegetarian for almost 34 years (since I was 19...now you know my age) and it has been an adventure.  I have made a lot of mistakes with tastes and nutritional combinations, but I feel that my current pescatarian lifestyle of eating fish with a little bit eggs have made my body the healthiest has been my entire life. As most of my diet is consumed with vegetables, nuts, seeds grains and a little bit of fish and eggs sprinkled in here and there. I've always taken vitamins and supplements and I feel that the Standard Process vitamins which are a food-based supplement are the best and highly absorbeable because they are comprised of food as your body knows truly what to do with these nutrients.

As for sleep, I am very much a program routine kind of person which I go to bed at 9:15 every night and I wake up at 3:45 am. This is so I can prepare myself ready for the day mentally, physical and spiritually with my prayer, meditation, set my goals for the day, to do list and then work out from 5 to 6 every morning.

Not all of this is set in stone and little bit of moderation of guilty pleasures are good as we all have some bad habits. I have natural creamer in my 2.5 cups of morning coffee, green apple licorice, Nutter Butters and peanut butter & chocolate chip ice cream from UDF (2 times a year). 

As I said earlier, health and being healthy has many pieces of the pie and each one is just as important as the other one. So, you need to work on all of them a little every day so that you get the maximum benefits for your health. Just be patient… as Rome wasn't built in a day and you cannot attain health or pain free in a day or week. This health process will take a while for your body to adapt and change over to the new food, better sleeping, stronger muscles and proper alignment but will be worth it in the end.

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