
Viewing 1 - 9 out of 9 posts

The Importance of Proper Sleeping Habits for your Health

Getting a good night's sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being, and it's especially important for maintaining optimal spinal health. Proper sleeping habits, including bedtime routines, sleeping positions, and mattress firmness, play a significant role in supporting optimal health. Read More

Why Do I need X-rays?

So, Dr. Joe why do you have to take x-rays. Well, the reason for that is not only to see what injuries or traumas that you may have experienced during your life, but to also rule out something that they may be there that we not be able to know without an x-ray. Read More

Mattress Matters and Pillow Talk

Getting a proper nights sleep is one of the most important things you can do to maintain proper health. Two huge factors that play a large part in this is your mattress and pillow. They not only allow you the ability to sleep well but aid in recovery from work, activity and daily stressors and many people overlook the importance of these two. Many pillows and mattresses offer proper support for the body and give the comfort at the same time. I put together a guide when choosing some of the best mattresses and pillows for you to unlock your ability to achieve ideal sleep, aid in recovery and improved health. These will help you by choosing the best mattress and pillow that suit the proper way that you should be sleeping. Read More

Headaches are common but not Normal

Society mistakenly believes that just the fact that many people have headaches makes them normal. Many people have that occasional headache but the frequency of how many people have them regularly may surprise you. At least one time per month about 15% of the population experience a headache, but there are some estimates and say that there are 5% or more have a headache every single day. This type of headache can be that only constant, but also debilitating at times. And headaches are one of the most common causes of disability with Americans. They are one of the top reasons for visiting the doctor and more than 250 million days are lost from work because of this disabling headache that cost over $25 billion per year. Headaches affect the entire population, but women are twice as likely to get them as men. Read More

It looks like that auto accident you had when you were a teenager is finally catching up with you...

It looks like that auto accident you had when you were a teenager is finally catching up with you. This month I had several patients who had severe pain in their neck that just happened for no apparent reason or cause, it just happened as they stated. While discussing their reviewing history, they didn't remember of any accidents in the last 10 or 20 years that they recalled. The spinal exam showed a lot of restriction and muscle spasm. After the recommendation of neck x-rays, it was determined that they had a spinal level which is typical for the fifth and sixth vertebra in the neck to have significant amount of spinal degeneration and arthritis. I asked them do you remember maybe 30 years or more ago were you may be in a small fender bender. The answer to that is oh yeah, I remember I was a teenager and was rear ended. You know, I really didn't feel any pain I was just sore for a couple days, but it just kind of went away. I said this is the accident that caused this amount of spinal degeneration in your neck and arthritis. Read More

Should I Go to the Chiropractor After an Auto Accident?

The short answer to this question is yes, you should see a chiropractor as soon as you can after an auto accident. A minor auto accident can cause whiplash, back pain, misalignments in the spine, as well as other ailments. Receiving chiropractic care as soon as possible after an auto accident will help ease your pain and can help prevent long term complications from the injuries caused by the accident. Read More

How long should I wait after a recent fall or maybe an auto accident to be examined?

A question that I get asked is how long should I wait after a recent fall or maybe an auto accident to be examined?. We’ll, that answer is quite simple and I have always said that the longer you wait to address or fix something the harder it will be to correct. Let say you were recently involved in an auto accident, this accident didn't seem like much, but you were a little sore for a couple days and then maybe after several weeks your neck became a little stiff and restricted that was the beginning of some of the long-term effects of having some thing not addressed immediately after it happened. You're driving down the road and you hit a pothole going 55 miles an hour. You do have a couple choices, you can continue to drive thousands of miles with your being out of alignment or you can stop by a auto mechanic and have your tires realign so it doesn't cause long-term damage or wear and tear on your tire. Read More

The Most Neglected Exercise...

There is a neglected exercise that I believe is highly overlooked in the world today. While it is estimated that over 80% of the population have back pain at one point in their lives and this most common complaint in my chiropractic office. We all focus on CORE exercises which is essential to help with low back strength and stability because we sit most of the day. But according to both Spine and Pain journals, neck pain has an annual prevalence rate exceeding 30% among adults in the United States. Nearly 50% of individuals will continue to experience some degree of neck pain or frequent flareups of pain also. Among adults 20 to 70% will experience neck pain that interferes with their activities of daily living. Statistically, neck pain is consistently ranked in the top five disabling disorders in the United States Read More

Introducing...The Sit-Stand Desk

In one of my previous articles, I was saying stating that sitting is now the new smoking. I wanted to add a little bit to what I had said earlier and express a few of my thoughts and recommendations. We know that sitting at your desk all day is not good for your back and can put a toll on your hips and back. Over the last year, I have suggested to many of my patients that they either purchase and or ask for a standing desk to aid in their reduction of back pain, computer slouching and neck/upper back bad posture issues. Sitting all day can cause back pain, neck stiffness, headaches and several other things. I have been recommending to my patients that they start using a standing desk. Average prices are between $125 to $250 and according to a 2019 survey for Human Resources, standing desk are the fastest growing benefits trend and approximately 60% of employers provide or subsidize standing desks for their employees. Read More

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