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Headaches are common but not Normal

Society mistakenly believes that just the fact that many people have headaches makes them normal. Many people have that occasional headache but the frequency of how many people have them regularly may surprise you. At least one time per month about 15% of the population experience a headache, but there are some estimates and say that there are 5% or more have a headache every single day. This type of headache can be that only constant, but also debilitating at times. And headaches are one of the most common causes of disability with Americans. They are one of the top reasons for visiting the doctor and more than 250 million days are lost from work because of this disabling headache that cost over $25 billion per year. Headaches affect the entire population, but women are twice as likely to get them as men. Read More

Common Types of Headaches and Can Chiropractic Help?

Daily headaches aren't something you should have to live your life with. Top research publications have found chiropractic care can provide 50% or more relief for headaches without the risky side effects typically associated with drugs and medications. Almost everyone will experience a headache at some point in their life. Luckily, headaches are rarely life-threatening. But, for people dealing with chronic headaches; they can dramatically impact your quality of life. Read More

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