
Viewing 1 - 7 out of 7 posts

It's Easier to Build a Childs Future rather than Repair an Adult

I am constantly getting asked “why are so many parents taking their children to see a certified pediatric chiropractor?”. I tell them that the answer is quite simple, children have spines and a nervous system just the same as adults do. We want to make sure they are taking good care of it especially during the developmental years. Read More

The Poopin Bone

One of the problems that many parents deal with today with their children is constipation. It has become a problem that affects two out of every four children that come into my office. These toxins continue to stay in the body and will cause sickness and ill health. Our children today also continue to have a diet that has minimal fiber from not eating enough whole grains, vegetables and fruits and not drinking water. The health and wellness of your child comes from within their own body and not from a pill, laxative or a potion. The body’s ability to heal, regulate and eliminate is directly proportional to the function of the nervous system. I have found through my career, chiropractic experience and education that 80% of children today are subluxated during the birth process (C-section, forceps or suction). This subluxation or misalignment interferes with the child’s ability to digest and eliminate foods. Read More

Can Chiropractic Adjustments help my baby sleep better?

Many times babies have problems sleeping especially in the very beginning. While this is quite normal and expected to some degree, because you know they wake up, eat every few hours, have to go to the bathroom and then need a diaper change. But if your baby just can't fall asleep, or stay asleep for periods of time even after they have even after they have a full belly, a very specific and gentle chiropractic adjustment might be the answer. Read More

Never Underestimate the Power of the Body

Never underestimate the power of the body to be self-healing and self-regulating when there is no interference on the nervous system. Nature has the incredible power of innate (God given) wisdom on the body to secrete digestive juices when you eat food, increase your heart rate when you run, constrict your pupils when a bright light shines in your eye or shiver the muscles to warm the body when you get cold. Read More

So what is Colic?

Colic is defined as the inability to comfort a crying young child or baby that exhibits periodic fussiness that can last up to hours or even days. This colic is characterized by a loud piercing cry, tightened or tensed stomach muscles, flexed legs and clenched fingers with the inability to try to calm down. In general it starts about three weeks of age and can last up to three months but even as long as six months. Colic affects approximately 10- 20% of newborns. While the research reports there is no one specific cause and with that in mind, makes it very difficult to treat a colicky baby. Other suggestions include that while you're breast-feeding, you sure don't want to consume foods that give you gas or indigestion like broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, onions and even spicy foods. it may be even as simple as an food allergy to the type of baby formula that you're feeding your newborn. Read More

The Top 5 Reasons to Take Your Child to a Chiropractor

We can all agree that babies and children are small humans and if adults benefit from chiropractic care then so can babies and children. Chiropractors can treat babies as little as a few weeks old to older toddlers and teenagers for issues related to stomach, sleep or colic problems. It is important that people know the chiropractic care involved with children is very gentle and different for children than adults. Read More

Chiropractic Care for Kids and Why Routine Adjustments are Important

I am constantly getting asked “why are so many parents taking their children to see a certified pediatric chiropractor?”. I tell them that the answer is quite simple, children have spines and a nervous system just the same as adults do. We want to make sure they are taking good care of it especially during the developmental years. Read More

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