It's Easier to Build a Childs Future rather than Repair an Adult

I am constantly getting asked “why are so many parents taking their children to see a certified pediatric chiropractor?”. I tell them that the answer is quite simple, children have spines and a nervous system just the same as adults do. We want to make sure they are taking good care of it especially during the developmental years.

The central nervous system is very important, it consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The nervous system transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body, including internal organs, glands, and tissues. This means that the nervous system's activity controls the ability to move, breathe, see, think and much more. This system is set up like a big fuse box, and if there is a “blown fuse” a child could react in different ways such as constipation, colic, ear and sinus infections, torticollis, bed wetting, fussiness, acid reflux, trouble sleeping and so on. A pediatric chiropractor's main focus is to allow the nervous system to function freely without interference or to remove the “blown fuse” which is also known as subluxation. Subluxation is when a spinal bone becomes misaligned. A certified pediatric chiropractor will locate and correct subluxation with a safe and specific adjustment.

A well-functioning nervous system is very important for proper growth and development in children. The spine is what protects the nervous system, so it is crucial that the spine is properly moving and in proper alignment. A misaligned spine is what causes a “blown fuse” and this can lead to numerous health issues later on. For example, think about a tree that is growing in your backyard, you want that tree to grow nice and straight so it can be strong and as healthy as possible. The tree growing straight from early on in its life is important because it is much easier than trying to correct a tree that has grown crooked for twenty years. The goal is that by being proactive in caring for your child's spine and allowing their spine and nervous system to grow properly early on in life we are preventing further issues and the need to correct spinal misalignments later on.

You may be wondering how children can have misaligned spines, there are many things that can cause misalignments. Unfortunately, children are exposed to a high level of stress more than ever before. There is trauma that they encounter at an early age of life or even before birth such as intrauterine restraints, malpositioning (breech), birth trauma, birth intervention (forceps/vacuum suctioning). These encounters are enough force to move the spine out of alignment. A child also goes through chemical traumas/stresses such as antibiotics and medication and emotional stresses or fears that can cause a fight or flight response within the muscles, these tight muscles can also misalign the spine.

When a child has been through trauma or injury and the spine has become misaligned and has a “blown fuse” it needs to be corrected with pediatric safe and effective chiropractic adjustments. If the subluxation or “blown fuse” is not corrected the spine will continue to grow crooked and cause many health issues such as the ones listed above in paragraph two. Later on, in life the untreated misalignments could cause trouble with focus, behavior, mood, hyperactivity, digestion, asthma, allergies, and headaches. Thanks for reading, Dr. Joe

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