
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 posts

Is it Normal to Feel Worse After Seeing a Chiropractor?

Many people seeking help from a chiropractor are suffering from back pain or discomfort; in essence, they’re looking for that much-needed pain relief from a medical professional. But what happens when your back pain is worse after a chiropractor visit? Does that mean that the treatment didn’t work? The short answer is no. In order to understand why this happens, we need to understand what the treatment consists of when you start chiropractic care Read More

Boosting Your Immunity

Staying healthy is always important, but now more than ever it is essential that we give ourselves and our bodies all the extra TLC they can get. There are many things you can do to achieve an optimal state of health, but it all boils down to how well your body can fend for itself and keep itself functioning properly. Read More

Chiropractic Care for All Ages

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring and maintaining the health of the body's nervous system. When your nervous system is optimized and functioning properly, it enables the body's powerful healing and restorative systems to thrive. Interference in your nervous system causes pain and dysfunction in the way your body works. This interference is known as subluxation or misalignment. Muscles, bones and joints may become injured and misaligned resulting in nerves being irritated, pinched, or compressed, causing interference in the nervous system. This can lead to a variety of symptoms including pain. Thru chiropractic adjustments, we remove spinal misalignments and restore the function of the nervous system and allow the innate or natural healing mechanisms of the human body to take over. Chiropractic care is useful and effective for people of all ages and stages of life. Read More

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