Chiropractic Care for All Ages

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring and maintaining the health of the body's nervous system. When your nervous system is optimized and functioning properly, it enables the body's powerful healing and restorative systems to thrive.

Interference in your nervous system causes pain and dysfunction in the way your body works. This interference is known as subluxation or misalignment. Muscles, bones and joints may become injured and misaligned resulting in nerves being irritated, pinched, or compressed, causing interference in the nervous system. This can lead to a variety of symptoms including pain. Thru chiropractic adjustments, we remove spinal misalignments and restore the function of the nervous system and allow the innate or natural healing mechanisms of the human body to take over. Chiropractic care is useful and effective for people of all ages and stages of life.

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Chiropractic care can play an important role during pregnancy. Potential benefits of our chiropractic care during pregnancy include: Maximizing health during pregnancy, controlling symptoms of nausea, reducing the length of labor and delivery, relieving neck, back and joint pain and prevention of potential cesarean section.

The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association recommends that women receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy to establish pelvic balance and optimize the room a baby has for development throughout the pregnancy. With a balanced pelvis, babies have a greater chance of moving into the correct position for birth, and the crisis and worry associated with breech and posterior presentations may be avoided altogether. Optimal baby positioning at the time of birth also eliminates the potential for dystocia (difficult labor) and therefore results in easier and safer deliveries for both the mother and baby.

Infants and Babies

Forcing, pulling and twisting a baby during birth are very common procedures and can cause subluxation in newborns. When there is interference with nerve signals, an infant’s health may be impaired from his or her first breath and problems can begin immediately or appear years later. We recommended examinations on infants and babies to check for these misalignments and perform very gentle adjustments to optimum your baby’s Health.

Common ailments where chiropractic care may benefit babies include symptoms of colic, problems sleeping, constipation and difficulties with feeding. If your baby is experiencing these conditions or is overly fussy and seems uncomfortable, please contact us, we can help.

Toddlers and Youths

Toddlers and youths are constantly encountering and experiencing situations where they may misalign there developing spines. As a toddler learns how to walk and gain their coordination, they are routinely falling, fumbling and placing stress on their body (It is estimated that before the age of 7, a child will fall approximately 2,500 times). As a toddler matures into a youth, their activities become even more intense and so do the potential to misalign these active spines.

Regular chiropractic check-ups are an important part of the preventive care needed in these high developmental years. We regularly treat children and help parents teach children about the benefits of exercise, nutrition, health and removing subluxation through chiropractic care. Chiropractic care can provide solutions for some common conditions found in children during these years including, but not limited to: Chronic asthma, allergies, chronic colds, ear infections, ADD, Constipation and chronic bed wetting.


Junior high and high school students are under a lot of pressure including stress, dramatic growth, awkward coordination and those hormonal changes. These are the years associated with intense sports activities and sometimes year-round training for both boys and girls subjecting them to all types of situations that may lead to subluxations and injuries.

Many kids suffer back pain and posture problems from carrying around backpacks filled with heavy books and hours on phones and computers. Regular chiropractic care is important to deal with the physical stresses during this stage of life. Common conditions found in pre-teens and teens during these years of life include, but are not limited to sports injuries, headaches, Neck Pain, Muscle Pain, Back Pain, and Poor Posture. Our chiropractic care can help with all these conditions.

Young and Middle-Aged Adults

This stage of life is marked with a busy lifestyle filled with such things as a College education, a career, relationships, starting and raising a family as well as many, many long hours at work.

Because of hectic schedules, young and middle-aged adults understandably give other things priority instead of their health and wellness. These are very important years to provide your body with enough exercise, proper nutrition, essential sleep, and the many benefits of regular chiropractic adjustments. Taking care of your body and health during these crucial years will have a significant impact on your quality of life as you age. Regular maintenance adjustments keep the body working at its best level and similar to an oil change every 3,000 miles or regular dental checkups. Chiropractic can help with a variety of conditions common to this stage of life such as: stress, back pain, stiffness, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, joint pain, muscle spasms, headaches and sciatica

Active Adults

Active adults are not immune to ailments, injuries, and disorders. In fact, active adults make up about 30% of the population in the United States, there is a good chance you may be experiencing one of these conditions. That’s why the chiropractic and wellness care routinely delivered to patients is so important.

An active lifestyle is typically focused on spending more time with your children and grandchildren, traveling, socializing with friends, participating in hobbies or perhaps even starting a whole new career. Whatever your plans may be, the right exercise and nutrition along with the chiropractic care are key elements to enjoying this special time in your life. We can help with conditions including, but not limited to: Arthritis, Joint Stiffness, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Stress, Muscle Pain and spasms.


Our body will age. We can’t stop that. However, your senior years do not need to be dependent on limited activities, poor mobility, prescription medications, hospitals and nursing homes.

The chiropractic care can be instrumental in helping seniors eliminate pain, improve flexibility, increase strength and enhance balance. Chiropractic adjustments along with proper exercise and nutrition will also enhance overall health and activity level thus allowing you to Live your “Golden Years” to the very fullest.

Whatever your age or stage of life, contact us to learn how our chiropractic care may help you. Please call us at 513-753-7246.

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