
Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 posts

Dr. Joe, I Don't Need a X-ray...

I don't need an X-Ray. That is something that I actually hear on a regular basis. "I haven't had any trauma recently and I don't think anything out of the ordinary that I would need an x-ray, so just adjust me... can you just do that?". My answer to that is quite simple. I do not know all the stress, traumas and injuries that you've had all of your life and it is important that I do this X-ray. A structural x-ray is needed to see exactly how your body has handled all that it's been through in your life. My kids believed for years that I had x-ray vision and I actually don't, I do take Spinal x-rays on my patients 16-17 years of age and older or younger with a significant injury or trauma. Read More

Are You Balanced or Compensated?

Are you balanced or just compensated? While we all try to live our life and more balance and harmony, the majority of the time our body is in a state of more compensation than balance. Over the last 29 years in chiropractic practice, I have discovered that our bodies when stressed, had a serious injury, poor spinal posture mechanics or just decondition due to lack of exercise will start to compensate and get out of homeostasis or balance. Through the use of diagnostic technology whether it is an Spinal X-ray that shows how the body is in alignment or weighted balance stand, surface Electromyography (SEMG), thermal heat scanning device or just a simple muscle strength test, you are able to see how your body is either compensated or balanced. Read More

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