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So how is it that my Arm Pain and Numbness in my Hands is coming from my Neck?

So how is it that my arm pain and numbness in my hands is coming from my neck? So the answer to that is quite simple, while there can be other reasons that may be more serious causing your arm pain. Typically what I find after a examination, consultation and x-rays that many times it is originating from the neck region. There is a series of nerves that come out of your neck called the brachial plexus, they form a network of nerves that innervate the shoulder, arm, forearm and hands. Read More

How can my Foot Numbness and Leg pain be Coming from my Lower Back?

It may seem a little crazy that that dull, nagging leg and foot numbness is coming from your lower back. But if you have had pain in your leg or numbness in your foot or even a pinched nerve in your lower back this may be the true cause of your issue. By definition, pain or numbness that travels along a spinal nerve is called radicular pain, it's one of the most common types of pain that it occurs as a result of a spinal nerve compression, misaligned vertebrae or inflammation. Read More

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