To Sit or Stand? That is the Question.

To sit or stand, that is the question.... in the process of my day, I get asked several times would it be better if I stood or sat at work. The way I answer this question is we as humans were not designed to either sit or stand all day, but through the day we should have variations in sitting, standing and movement all throughout the day, so that our body does not get used to or become lazy by staying in one position for too long of a time.

In an average workday, from 9 to 5 people will sit an average of approximately 6 to 7 hours of continuous sitting or non-movement. Statistics report that an average adult sits for 10 hours a day, eight at work and two at home, relaxing or watching TV. Sitting has become one of the biggest problems in our society, because it develops muscle and joint weaknesses in our core region and pelvis what can lead to additional health problems and spinal instability. This is due to lack of movement, muscle stiffness and reduced mobility. It is my opinion, that in your day for one hour you should be sitting approximately 50% of that time with 40% of that hour standing and 5 to 10% of the time where you should be moving. Some may think this is unreasonable, but there are ways where you can actually make this happen and let me give you my thoughts on that. 

In a study from 2016 by the Journal of Applied Ergonomics, they found that desks that allow employees to sit and stand to be almost a 50% increase more productive than those who just sat all day. This change in posture increases the employees energy level through the day, which make them better conducive to a more productive day. I do feel that there are many more options available in home and office desk environments today that give you affordable options between sitting and standing desks. This depends how healthy and productive you want to be in your day.  So to stand, sit and move that is the question.  So find ways to increase your movement by changing positions regularly during that eight hour workday that you're having. Thanks for reading, Dr. Joe.

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