My Most Difficult and Rewarding Case

People ask me what is has been your most difficult maybe rewarding case recently. Well, a few months ago I had the distinct ability to consult, examine, consult and treat a very tiny little girl and we're going to call her "Miracle". Miracle as I am seeing many times recently, was born addicted to certain chemicals and was struggling not only be healthy, but just survive on a daily basis. Her now adopted mother, who in the most instinctual and loving way, took this little baby and started to care, feed her properly and love her like she's never been loved before.

I truly believe this is just the beginning of her journey, I think that through her mother’s experience with chiropractic, she brought her in for me to check her spine and see if chiropractic could possibly do something for her. In her history we found out that she was born addicted to drugs, sat in a car seat most of her beginning of life and did not go to the bathroom regularly. Limited food intake and had her body in a state of spasm and tension. Her arms and feet were held up in the air and her body was stuck and turned to the side. This guarding mechanism was because she could not verbalize what pain she was probably in and this is how her body responded. I told her mother is that certain born addictions and a severe withdraws, her system is unbalanced which misaligned her spine and stressed out all glands, organs and tissues in the body. I discussed with her mother is that the upper neck, middle and lower back areas control relaxation, digestion, breathing and brain function.

Through my examination, I determined that they were several misalignments in her spine, and I began to do a series of very specific and gentle chiropractic adjustments on Miracle. The first night after she was adjusted, she slept through the night and had a everywhere diaper bowel movement. When Miracle woke up in the morning, she smiled for a first time because I don't think she was in that much pain as before. After a few weeks of adjustments, she was going to bathroom consistently and regularly, her hands and feet were relaxed and on the floor. She was eating more, gaining weight and she was smiling and laughing at her parents. I often say that I've always "expected miracles and I do pray for them". I believe that this little Miracle has just begun not only through the nervous system that's working at 100% but through a family who will love, nourish and give her all of the possibilities that she needs to be the person that she should be. So, I look forward to seeing what her future holds and the first day as she walks in, smiles, jumps on the adjustment table for her adjustment. So that is my most recent difficult and rewarding case where there's so much addiction, unhealthiness and stress. You never know how far reaching a simple and precise adjustment can connect and bring a family together. Thanks for reading, Dr. Joe

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