Have You Ever Adjusted Someone Famous?

I do get asked many times... have I ever adjusted anyone famous. Well over the last 31 years I don't really recall of anyone really famous and it's not that I haven't or wanted to if it would maybe happen, but I have chosen more of a simple practice that is just composed of families and their friends in my community. Certain dynamics are involved adjusting famous people, and I chose to really not be a part of that. I have chose just to enjoy a health centered practice that works on the families which include all the great grandparents, grandparents, the parents, kids, the grandkids in my local community that I grew up myself. 

But why don't you try to adjust someone famous. I like just people that are like myself and I don't want to be famous or th most popular person. I just want to be happy, healthy and have a good family life and enjoy my friends.  I prefer not to work all these crazy hours of morning, noon and late night and on weekends. 

Families are a pleasure that's why because I have my family myself.  I try to go above and beyond just to help them without compromising, staying out too late or working all of the weekends and the stuff that's in between that. We are all working thru the same struggles, problems and stresses in the world and don't need any more on my plate. 

Well, some may consider that guarded.  I'm just happy taking care of the people in my community. I think that many of the families, their kids and children are famous in our own worlds to our kids and our grandkids. So there you have it. I have adjusted several famous people from my community are very famous, and I truly enjoy adjusting all the superstars and super heroes that I have from Eastside of Cincinnati and beyond. Thanks for reading Dr. Joe

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