Pregnancy and Chiropractic...Your best Start

Congratulations, you are going to have a baby.  Sheppard Chiropractic wants you to have a healthy pregnancy for both you and your child.  Our office wants to inform new mothers of ways that they can have a better pregnancy. 

One of the ways you can have a healthier pregnancy is to take care of your body.  Women should eat a healthy diet both, before, during and after their pregnancy and get proper amounts of sleep also. Another way to take care of yourself during your pregnancy is to exercise regularly.  A daily exercise regimen is as important during pregnancy as it is before and afterwards.  Exercise helps to make you feel your best during your pregnancy an prepare your body for the delivery. You should consult your doctor to determine what is best for you and your baby.  These are a few of the known ways you can take care of your body during your pregnancy.

Pregnancy through chiropractic care has several natural and safe benefits also.  Chiropractic is a holistic way to ensure that the body’s nervous and reproductive systems are functioning properly.  Chiropractors look for subluxations or misalignments in your spine that puts pressure on nerves creating an interference or dysfunction in your body.  Since the body is ever changing during pregnancy it is important that the body maintains at its optimum level of efficiency, proper alignment and health.  Chiropractic helps the body to maintain its optimum state. 

Adjustments keep the segments of the pregnant woman’s structure freely and normally movable and permit a constant free flow of all body fluids and a normal venous supply to control function.  During the second 6 weeks of pregnancy the growing fetus and expanding uterus often settle in the hollow sacrum and relief of nausea may be achieved.  Adjustments result in an easier pregnancy, reduced nausea (morning sickness) and delivery while also reducing pain that occur with changes in the pelvis and low back regions. 

Chiropractic care during pregnancy resulted in 31 % decreased labor for the first child and 25% for subsequent children.  Approximately 84% of patients receiving spinal manipulative therapy reported relief of back pain during pregnancy.  There was significantly less likelihood of back labor when spinal manipulative therapy was admitted during pregnancy. 

The Webster In-Utero Constraint (Breech Turning Technique), a chiropractic procedure, has been with high success (85%) to clinically correct or reduce in-utero constraint.  These are a few of the many benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy. Thanks for reading, Dr. Joe

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