Can chiropractic adjustments induce labor?

The birth of a baby is a very exciting time for both the husband and wife. The whole 40 week process with the anticipation and preparing for the big day along with the knowing exact date of birth, can be somewhat predicted and unknown at the same time. When this big day occurs, mom may be not totally prepared for a long and sometimes difficult labor. Studies do show that the longer that the mom is in labor particularly if the baby is not in a normal down position, the more both mom and the baby are at risk. While medication is often used to speed up or induce labor,  sometimes this may cause additional stress on the baby. 

As a family provider for over 31 years of many moms through this pregnancy and labor process, I recommend that chiropractic adjustments are not only safe, but sometimes a means to induce a natural labor. Specific and regular adjustments during the second and third trimester allow the lower lumbar and pelvis to keep the mom's back free of pain, restriction, muscle tightness and nerve pressure. Having the spine in a proper alignment allows the baby around the 37th and 38th week to be in the proper presentation and support the pelvic muscles during labor. This helps speed the delivery without any undue stress on both mom and baby. In chiropractic practice it has been many times where towards the latter part of the pregnancy and having continued chiropractic care through the process has not only reduced labor, but actually allowed it to occur at the right time in the right place. I've always said that having your body in a proper aligned status, especially during the last several weeks will allow not only nature to occur when it's supposed to, but also for you to be given that little baby as the good Lord intends it to be on the date that they're supposed to be here. 

There has been chiropractic studies that show that there is a 25% reduction in labor time for first time mothers who had regular chiropractic treatment during pregnancy. Additionally women who have previously gone to labor and delivery had a 33% reduction in labor time for subsequent deliveries. 

The whole labor process can be very daunting experience for the mom and for the baby also. Having regular chiropractic alignments during the pregnancy especially towards the latter part of the third trimester supports a safe delivery and a healthy baby at the same time. Chiropractic care, not only speeds the labor, but also may help reduce baby position problems of the infant at the time of delivery. So yes, there a been many times that a chiropractic adjustment caused deliver the baby at the right time in the right place. This is a very essential reason to have regular chiropractic adjustments during your pregnancy from early pregnancy to the end of the third trimester and especially after delivery so this ensures that everything will be aligned and healing in the right position as your body goes back to normal. Thanks for reading Dr. Joe.

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