If I knew i was Going to Live This Long.. I'd of Taken a lot better care of Myself When i was Younger

One of my father's famous quotes is "if I knew I was going to live this long...I would've taken a lot better care of myself when I was younger. We all know things that you do today can come back to cause a lot of health issues in our future.  If we all slept better, exercised more and eat healthier foods we know a future pain and health problems would be less. This is not any different than maintaining your new car by changing the oil, rotating the tires  or going to the dentist a couple times a year for regular teeth cleaning to prevent cavities. 

This is a picture of my father and myself, who after years of football that "back in the day", had leather helmets and not a lot of pads (Said they were paper thin),  Back then bodies took a lot of abuse and we were just taped up to get back in the game with injuries.  After 55 years after playing Middle school, High and College sports, he has had multiple shoulder and knee surgeries which later included a knee replacement. Today's sports equipment and Advanced technology improves the protection thru reducing during sports even with the kids being mus physically stronger, faster and bigger than ever.  It's extremely important that you use proper technique with physical contact, exercise regularly and optimize flexibility and of course have a nutritionally balanced diet with proper sleep to reduce injuries and wear/tear on the joints. 

My father at the ripe old age of 77 continues to do some of the activities that he enjoys like golf,  working out the yard but is limited by all of the aches, pains, scar tissue and arthritic joints that he had from not taking good care of himself.  He reminds me if he ONLY knew about a Chiropractor when he was younger and what a proper alignment could've done for his spine, he'd love to go back in time. The proper alignment from a adjustment would of allowed a lot less wear and tear on the spine/joints which overtime would reduced the stress, calcium/scar tissue and arthritic build up with the spine and joints from being out of alignment. Stan the Man continue to come in and get his adjustments to reduce pain, improve range of motion and allow him to participate in activities of daily living. I do believe that it is essential that with regular chiropractic adjustments at an early age not only will improve the quality of your life, reduce the stress on your joints/spine and optimize the performance of your entire system of the body.

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